Wednesday 9 October 2013

Cerebral palsy and childrens adjustment to chronic health problems.

Locating 5-8 reliable Australian journal articles reporting original research or systematic or literature reviews from quality, peer- reviewed journals related to children?s
adjustment to,
A) a chronic or long term health problems
B) the school environment when they have a chronic or long term health problem
C) Briefly describe the search strategy you used to locate the
5-8 articles, ie what databases search engines and key words or terms you used
Word count: 100 words
D) Using the 5-8 articles you have located in part (b) above comparing and contrasting the findings of the evidence for practice related to children?s adjustment to a)
chronic or long term health problem B) the school environment when they have a chronic or long term health
E) Identifying and explaining factors that impact on children?s ability to adjust and cope with their physical and cognitive
and the reactions of others Word count:
1000 words
To demonstrate your understanding of
the role of the school in health maintenance and
health promotion
F) Identify 3
health promotion
and maintenance
the school might consider
implementing to assist the transition of the child
and family
into primary school
and/or to
ensure the child?s optimal health
when at school
Explain why the 3
you identify are appropriate for
a child with cerebral palsy and the school environment
Word count
: 500 words
To demonstrate your understanding of factors that might impact on the family’s health beliefs and practices and the inability to adjust to the current and future limitations of their child:
h) Explain how the parent?s level of education and cultural background might impact on the family?s reaction to the child?s diagnosis of cerebral palsy and the long term care requirements of the child

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