Monday 14 October 2013

Msc marketing strategies for educational establishments wishing to move up the rankings

Using contemporary illustrative examples from academic literature and reputable business publications, discuss the challenges to educational establishments wishing to move up the rankings. What kinds of marketing strategy will enable them to move further up? Make recommendations, suitable to an educational entity of your choice, to enable them to harness the growth currently being experienced in this region.

note: for this order, you will need to give me the first part on the 20th of october 2013. the first part of this order you will have to come up with the executive summary, this should be no longer than one side of an A4 page summarizing the key points of the report, also the aims and objectives, this should outline the way in which you are tackling the topic/question  and clearly indicate to the reader what you will try to achieve in your report.
Try to have a realistic number of achievable objectives(eg.3-4 should suffice).
Also, the literature review, this component along with case study and discussion makes up the main body of the report in which you demonstrate your  ability to find, evaluate, analyse and synthesize information to produce an original piece of work that responds appropriately to the topic.


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