Thursday 17 October 2013

Article, Music Discussion Board #6 Cool Jazz

Discussion Board #6 Cool Jazz
Project description
Since each team will be participating in only two discussion boards, every participant will have time to craft a thoughtful initial post of about 250 to 300 words in length. Think of the discussion board as an opportunity to write a mini-essay. We recommend that you prepare your post as a Word document, so that you can polish your writing before posting it. (You can then copy and paste your text into the discussion board.) These discussion boards are more about quality than quantity.
Discussion Board #6: Cool Jazz
Posting and Responding Team: Team Bop
While Team Bop members will be the only ones posting and responding on this discussion board, everyone is expected to listen to the ten recordings under consideration, and to read all the posts and responses on this discussion board.
Listen to the ten recordings. To do this, tab back to the “MUSIC 007″ window. Notice that this discussion board opened in a new window under its own tab. You can tab back to the main Angel window, while keeping this discussion board open. Back inside the Discussion Board #6 folder, open “Recordings and Information for Discussion Board #6.” That, too, will open in a new window. At that point you will have access to the recordings and this discussion board.
Read the introductory information relating to the ten recordings, and then listen to each of the ten recordings. Read the two question topics associated with each recording. Consider which recordings interest you most.
Before making your own initial post, be sure to read any posts on the discussion board that your teammates have already made. When possible, select a recording that has not yet been addressed, so that all ten recordings are addressed. With approximately twenty members on each team, there should be no more than two team members addressing the same recording. And if you are the second one to write about a particular recording, select the topic that the first writer did not choose. In all cases, strive not to repeat those things that have already been stated in others’ posts; strive to offer fresh observations. There is an abundance of musical material to allow this!
Use the recording title, followed by either Topic 1 or Topic 2, as the title of your post (e.g., Boplicity, Topic 1). Specifically, the ten recordings are:
“Subconscious Lee”
“No Figs”
“Walkin’ Shoes”
“Out of Nowhere”
“Take Five”
“That’s the Way It Is”

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