Saturday, 8 March 2014

This discussion should be helpful in generating and refining topics for your Researched Argument essay (look ahead toweeksix).This practice also may be helpful in future writing projects.

This discussion should be helpful in generating and refining topics for your Researched Argument essay (look ahead toweeksix).This practice also may be helpful in future writing projects.
My 3 topics:
Obama Care
Immigration treatment
War on Drugs
75-150 words total together for discussion
  1. List three potential topics that interest you.
  2. Write at least one question about each of the above topics (remember: who, what, where, when, why, and how)
  3. Answer each of the above questions with a statement/sentence that contains the wordsshould, must,orneedas a helping verb. This should help to establish your thesis.
  4. After answering the questions, which of these topics interests you enough to research and write about?
  5. Write a paragraph or two based on what you already know about this topic. Try to come up with several points (or reasons) why your statement (aka thesis) is true.Think about how someone would try to prove it isn’t.

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