Friday 31 January 2014


1. How do companies formulate their mission statement? Why is the mission statement important in guiding an organization's strategy?  Please provide a mission statement of a company that you know, admire, or dislike, and your opinion of their mission statement.
2. How did you select your chosen organization?  Feel free to share as much or as little as you want regarding your organization.   You can also ask questions on this discussion and comment on each other's questions (you don't have to wait for the facilitator!)
3. What type of questioning is most useful in driving innovation? Why is this type the most effective? 
4. Can you give an example of a type of questioning that would work with a particular type of project or company?
5. What is innovation and how can it help an organization?  Can you give an example of how innovation helped a company succeed?
Each answer must be 100-200 words

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