Friday 20 September 2013

Criteria & Marking:

Sequence Organisation in Second Language Classroom Talk
The first part will be a small problem set using second language classroom data on aspects of sequence organisation. This will cover the rules of sequence organisation, identification of adjacency pair parts and their expansions, and some discussion of sites of potential learning.
The second part will be a problem set using second language classroom data on aspects of turn construction, looking at bricolage turns, code-switching and multiple response sequences.
Criteria & Marking:
1. Identify, conversational turn-taking phenomena in language classrooms and second language conversations (20%)
2. Describe conversational turn-taking phenomena in language classrooms and second language conversations. (40%)
3. Explain conversational turn-taking phenomena in language classrooms and second language conversations (30%)
4. Use the transcription and analytic tools of Conversation Analysis (10%)FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS TOPIC CLICK HERE

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