Monday 16 December 2013

Stephen Spielberg’s Schindlers List

Paper instructions:
The Paper will exam: Stephen Spielberg’s Schindler’s List as a dangerous tool for Holocaust education and the pedagogic implications for depicting the perpetrator as Spielberg depicts Amon Goeth??
The paper should be an indepth and critical examination of Spielbergs film as a difficult medium for teaching the Holocaust through film. Why is this film so dangerous when teaching the Holocaust? The manner in which he portrays the perpetrator Amon Goeth as a crazy delinquent has serious and repercussions in terms of the pedagogic implications: Why and How? historical truth V cinematic convenience?
The paper will rely on 3/4 Articles plus, drawing on the arguments of:
(A) Frames of Evil: The Holocaust as Horror in American Film By Caroline Joan Picart, David A. Frank
(B) Between Witness and Testimony: The Holocaust and the Limits of Representation
By Michael Bernard-Donals, Richard Glejzer

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