Sunday, 27 July 2014

Managing human resource in health organizations is increasingly getting attention just like in any other industries investment in human resource management in health care organizations is critical as it involves commitment of large amounts of resources. In health care organizations, human resources refer to different staff including the clinical and non-clinical staffs that contribute to the public and individual health provision and intervention(Kabene, Orchard, Howard, Soriano, & Leduc, 2006). The performance of a health care organization largely depends on the skills and knowledge of the people that deliver services. This essay evaluates the unique aspects of managing human resource in health care organizations, employment laws that govern the management of human resources and the different competencies that are needed for effective management of HR.
The unique aspects of managing human resource in the health care organizations
When referring to health care organizations, human resource refers to both the clinical and non-clinical staff found in health care centers. In order to ensure the success of health care organizations, there should be a balance between human and physical resources as well as an appropriate mix between the health promoters and caregivers. Due to the nature of the resources, it is important that human resource is managed very different from other resources in health care organizations. In both public and private institutions, human resource management practices should be developed in order to create a healthy balance between workforce supply and the ability of the employees to delivers services effectively and efficiently. An employee without the needed skills is as ineffective as having skills without the practitioner to deliver the skills(Kabene, Orchard, Howard, Soriano, & Leduc, 2006).
When managing human resource in health care institutions, several issues and questions may come up. Some of the issues that are unique to the health care organizations include the size and composition of the workforce, training and skills, cultural factors, among other factors.  The variation in size and composition of the workforce in a health care organization is of great concern as it dictates the ability of the organization to deliver services effectively.
Workforce training and development of skills is another important aspect of human resource management in health care organizations. It is the role of the HRM to consider the composition of health care organization workforce in terms of skills and training needs. Training is necessary as it will ensure that the workforce meet the needs of an institution. Cultural factors influence the demand and supply of human resource to health care institutions. Cultural factors also influence how the workforce deliver health care services(Kabene, Orchard, Howard, Soriano, & Leduc, 2006).
Major employment laws on HR functions in healthcare organizations
Health care industry employees are always challenged to keep up with the new procedures that save lives.In order to effectively manage HR in a health care organization, it is important for managers to understand the basic legal principles including the major employment laws it is the responsibility of the HR department to be knowledgeable of the employment laws and equally inform their employees of the laws.  In the US, there are various employment laws that affect the HR functions in healthcare organizations.
One of the major regulatory bodies in the health care industry is the Joint Commission that affect the work of HR in health care organizations. The Joint commission provide different accreditation programs to health care organizations specifying standards for different functional including HR. the head of human resources in health care institutions is required to adhere to the Joint Commission standards especially in hiring, developing job description and firing employees. The Joint Commission requires the HR department to select and hire employees within the legal and ethical standards set by the commission. The selected employees should be able to help the organization to meet the desired vision and also understand the needs of the patients. The employees should also be well suited for the position and have the highest standard of and good personal conduct. This is mainly because the role of the medical profession is to provide quality and safe care to the public (Niles, 2013).
There are also other employment laws that influence HR functions in health care organizations including the Equal Pay Act that award fair pay to all employees regardless of gender, Pension Protection Act that require employers to have a pension plan and insurance system for employees, Civil Rights Act that enable employees to receive payment for damages, among other employment acts. All these acts among other acts are under the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)as the regulatory authority(Niles, 2013).
Competencies necessary for effective health care HRM
Health care organizations require effective management of resources particularly the management of nursing resources. The human resource personnel need to pay more attention to understanding the workforce because just like in treating ailments, diagnosis is needed before implementing interventions. There is a need for human resource managers to have skills in fiscal accountability and personnel management in order to ensure the workforce function effectively and efficiently.
Effective leadership also involves having genuine care for other people. In the health care setting, the workforce mostly interacts with patients and colleagues and showing care provides satisfaction to customers and provides safety for patients. Showing critical care is therefore a core competency in in managing the human resource in health care organizations (Contino, 2004).
The HR department and leaders as well as health care organization policies provide guidance on decision making for employees. The nature of the working relationship in health care institutions requires a close working relationship between the human resource professionals and the workforce. The HRM track reasons for appraisals, high turnover and retention of health care nurses and so keeping a close working relationship is important to ensure that there is proper management of human resource. The future focus of HRM in health care organizations should be central intelligence for the organization and facilitation of organizational learning.
Health care organizations’ HRM should also adopt the latest human resource practices ideal for the health care industry including promoting diversity in the workplace, promotion of employee within the organization and enabling cross-training of personnel. HRM leaders should also be sensitive, considerate, approachable and non-judgmental. Reports show that HRM leadership competencies influence the use of resources, patient outcomes, relationship with customers and compliance(Contino, 2004).
Managing human resource in health care organizations require special skills as health care organizations have special aspects. Leaders in HRM should create a culture of understanding as the performance of any organization depends on the skills and knowledge of the workforce. Various employment laws including those under the Joint Commission and the EEOC govern the management of human resources affect HR functions in health care organizations. These enable the effective management of HR in health organizations in the US. Different competencies are needed for the effective management of human resource in health care organizations including the understanding the workforce, providing leadership, among other values. With proper HRM, health care organizations can be effective and efficient in delivering services.

Contino, D. (2004). Leadership Competencies: Knowledge, Skills, and Aptitudes Nurses Need to
Lead Organizations Effectively.Critical Care Nurse.24: 52-64
Kabene, S. Orchard, C.Howard, J.Soriano, M. &Leduc, R. (2006). The importance of human
resources management in health care: a global context. Human Resources for Health, 4:20
Niles, N. (2013). Basic concepts of health care human resource management. Jones & Bartlett
learning. Burlington.

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