Monday 16 December 2013

Romantic-Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

Paper instructions:
Works cite must contain a minimum of 5 sources, no more than 3 of which may be from websites or other material solely on-line. Use parenthetical citations not footnotes or endnotes.
I. The first paragraph should include the biographical information giving a succinct overview of pertinent events in the lie and writing career of the author. Connect the life of the author and the events to the book and the romantic period (related to Shelley speaking about nature and Wordsworth and how that relates to Frankenstein. (approx. 2 pages) Why did she write about Frankenstein and how that shows her life? Not about her whole life or her history just whats important that relates to the book.
II. Discussion of the novel, giving a brief overall summary and followed by an in-depth analysis. This paragraph just talk about not what happened in the book but how that relates to Romaticism and nature and Mark Shelley’s life and how all that intertwines with one another. Focus on one theme, one character and one analysis. (approx 5 pages)
III. Examination of the novel’s significance and its relationship to the period in which it was written(approx 3 pages). Why is this book important and how does it relate to the period it was written in and Romanticism (Wordsworth when he spoke about nature). Intertwine it with nature.

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