Monday 16 December 2013

Barley, Photosynthesis

Paper instructions:
Lab report for a sophomore year biology course for undergraduate level university studies.
Must cite the following two articles in the report, with in-text citations:
Ensminger, I., Busch, F., Hüner, N.P.A. (2006). Photostasis and cold acclimation: sensing low temperature through photosynthesis. Physiol. Plant. 126, 28-44.
Leonardos, E.D., Savitch, L.V., Hüner, N.P.A., Öquist, G., and Grodzinski, B. (2003). Daily photosynthetic and C-export patterns in winter wheat leaves during cold stress and acclimation. Physiol. Plant. 117, 521-531.
Following questions to be addressed in discussion (discussion is 3 pages):
1. For leaves to be cold stressed they need to receive sufficient light (>250 µmol/m2/s). How would cold affect the relationship between “source” and “sink”?
2. How might you expect your results to differ from Barley in the field?
3. What is the reason for the repetition conducted during the experiment? What are some of the sources of variation, other than human error, that you may see?
4. What is happening at the molecular level that accounts for your results? What changes would you expect to happen with acclimation or acclimatisation?
5. In the light, plants will consume oxygen through both cellular respiration and photorespiration. How might you prevent photorespiration from occurring? If you inhibited photorespiration, what would happen to your rates of carbon assimilation in the light?
Introduction is 2 pages in length. Must include abstract. I have the data points to be used for the results.FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS TOPIC CLICK HERE

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