Friday, 28 February 2014

Biographical sketch of a juvenile deliquen

I'd like you to prepare a biographical sketch of a juvenile delinquent you have known, explaining his/her delinquency/acts and their background, i.e., family, drug/alcohol use, progress in school, etc. The delinquent could have been a friend, family member, classmate, neighbor, team mate, etc. Once you have explained their background and delinquency, you will need to associate them with one of the social causation theories we have discussed and explain why you believe the theory is appicable to your subject.
Your paper should be three to three pages long, doubled spaced. Obviously no bibliography will be required

write a note on egg donation in syria, What are the problems occur and also 4-6 sources as a reference must included


Write a speech of 500-700 words to educate nurses about how the practice of nursing is expected to go


islamic teaching methods in Saudi arabia


How far did post-communist transition prove to be a reversible process? Use at least two examples,

How far did post-communist transition prove to be a reversible process? Use at least two examples, one from a Central European country now in the EU, and one former Soviet republic to compare and contrast.

Why did the first wave of democracy end in Europe by 1926?


A 250-500 word analysis/response to the movie "The Bicycle Thief"Must include the concept of film art (the shooting of the movie) and how the film itself is portrayed.



Reputation is a word that is common in every day discourse and often used without much attention to its complex meaning. As such, very little effort is invested in verifying the origin or accuracy of a particular reputation. You are required to choose a famous figure (she could be a literary figure, a politician, an artist etc... she could be a contemporary or a historical figure) and:
1) Research how this figure has his/her reputation established and in the process “considers” the reasons for his/her reputation
2) Comment on the problems associated with verifying the soundness of this reputation
3) Identify the factors that seem to have favored one account over another in the process of reputation construction
4) Reflect on how cultures and times influence our reading/interpretation of events integral to reputation construction
5) demonstrate why source materials (historical and contemporary) have to be used cautiously when constructing a reputation
6) Distinguish between myth and truth and then assess the impact they have on reputation construction
7) Investigate how the issue of “competing reputations” applies to your figure of choice

Guidance on Addressing the Topic

Write a minimum 250 word paper containing your opinion on what qualities a major corporation should look for in a prospective member of the Board of Directors


Case study Instagram

 1. History (Timeline) of the Application (.5 Page): Provide a brief timeline of the major activities and breakthroughs of the application from its beginning. For this part, you can use point-form similar to the timeline presented in class but make sure everything is clearly labelled and easy to follow. Part 2. Background (2-3 paragraphs): In this part, talk about who created the application and why they were motivated to create the application. Discuss the original concepts and ideas, original audience for the application, and the original purpose. Part 3. Evolution (2-3 paragraphs): Discuss how the application has changed over time in terms of its intended audience, purpose, concept, and application itself; and why these changes have occurred. Part 4. Technology (3-4 paragraphs): Discuss the technology that is needed to support this application. Also identify the technological challenges that are faced by your application and how it tries to deal with these issues. You can use diagrams and figures to help describe the technology (make sure you reference outside figures and sources). Part 5. Impact and Issues (3-4 paragraphs): Discuss the impact and issues that this application has had on the user, the legal system, and society in general. Part 6. Future Directions (2-3 paragraphs): Discuss what you think the future of this application may look like. Discuss how technology may impact the future of the application and how technology may help with some of the user, social, and legal issues? Provide examples to help demonstrate your answer. 

History - Primary Source Analysis

Primary Source Analysis First Step: Introduction 1. What type of source is it? (letter, diary, newspaper article, etc.) 2. Who is the author, and when and where was the source created? Find out about the background of the author, at which time and where s/he was living, to which social group s/he belonged, and whatever else might be relevant to understand the background of the source. Second Step: Summary Summarize the content of the source. Do so as “neutrally” as possible. This isn’t the place to evaluate the text or take a position toward the arguments presented in the source. This step exclusively serves to inform the reader of your analysis about the perspective/position presented by the author of the source. Third Step: Evaluation Place the source into its historical context. Do so by thinking about the specific historical circumstances under which the source came into existence. What had happened before the source was created, and how might this have influenced the perspective of the author? Which structures or processes might have been important in shaping the author’s opinion on a given topic? Who is the intended audience for this source, and which message does it contain? What kind of style and rhetoric is used, and what is the purpose of those stylistic/rhetoric devices?

2 pages essay compare and contrast: Dogs and Cats



Write a minimum 250 word paper containing your thoughts on whether the U.S. can regain its manufacturing predominance in a globalized society.

Is Google making us stupid?

Advances in technology are commonly viewed as beneficial to mankind. However, as Nicholas Carr points out, new technologies are not just neutral, passive tools that aid people; they have a profound effect on the way humans actually think. Therefore, since our thoughts and perceptions have been altered, we may no longer be in the position to think critically about these technologies and be able to judge just how beneficial they actually are.

Carr's essay focuses on the Internet, but he uses some historical examples to show how new inventions have changed the way people think. For example, the invention of the clock led to the perception that time was a separate, measurable entity, set apart from human activity. Where once people lived their lives according to their senses, the clock started to dictate when people should work, eat and sleep. Everything became much more regimented and rigid. And when Nietzsche started using a typewriter, his style of writing changed, becoming much shorter and more "telegraphic." Nietzsche himself recognized that the typewriter effected the way he wrote. By describing how both the clock and the typewriter changed our perceptions and ways of thinking, Carr exposes the misconception that people hold regarding technology; we may think that we are in control, but technology changes the way we think, making it unlikely that we can be objective about its place in our lives.

The Internet has an even more profound effect on the human mind than the clock or typewriter. Carr discusses the way the Internet changes the way we read. People "skim" and "bounce" from item to item, essentially "browsing" through articles and gathering information in a rapid fashion. Carr contrasts the "skimming" we engage in when we use the Internet to "deep reading...that is, sustained, undistracted reading." That kind of focused reading enables people to draw connections and make associations in their minds; it helps people to think critically and to come up with their own ideas. The Internet discourages this type of reading and thinking.

I believe that Carr is saying that the very nature of the Internet - massive amounts of "nuggets" of information that can be accessed instantaneously, and hyperlinks that lead the user on to to never ending distractions - has changed and shaped our way of reading and therefore thinking. It has hindered our ability to concentrate, to contemplate and to think critically. Without this ability to read and think deeply, how can we properly judge if the Internet is the positive force for change that we think it is or if it presents some hidden dangers to human progress?

police technology

ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY USED BY POLICE IN REDUCE AND PREVENT CRIMEPROPORTION"Paper should be based on one of the topics covered in the course. In addition to the text, you should have at least three additional resources cited in the text and in the bibliography. Proper formatting of citations is important since you are compiling others work and looking for common themes, positions, etc to report back on.The synthesis of your review of others work is what should distinguish your paper as you read more about your topic of choice.


1. Select two ethnic groups besides your own. Interview at least 5 persons from each.
2. Write a report in about 6 pages

3. book - American Ethnicity: The Dynamics and Consequences of Discrimination 7th edition

International Relations: Empire and Imperialism essat

Critically evaluate the claim that Marxism offers a coherent account of the modern international political system (With reference to the literature covered in the module


This is an International politics term paper. The topic is “ Has the gap between the world’s rich and poor been growing wider or narrower in recent decades? Why?”
The question should be analyzed carefully and the key terms should be defined and explained. A case study can be used to provide a base and insight into the argument but it has to be explained and the evidence provided. At least ten references should be given from news articles etc, and 5 have to be from scholarly sources such as academic books and articles, and authoritative government or IGO sources of data, such as World Bank Publications.
Marks are based on these points:
Understand the key concepts and issues involved in the question
Analayse the arguments in terms of logic and evidence
Locate and use a sufficient range of reliable, relevant and up to date scholarly sources
Draw a conclusion, which is strongly based on empirical evidence
Write clearly and concisely
References to the sources have to be provided correctly

Group Projec

You are a captain in a local police department who has been asked by your chief of police to come up with a plan for developing a multiagency emergency response plan that includes local, state, and federal officers and other emergency and private resources for the purpose of responding to a terrorist event or natural disaster. The chief has informed you that he is concerned that many cities, including his own, do not have a written plan for responding and managing terrorist attacks or natural disasters.
Individual Portion:
For this assignment, each member of your group should form a brief written emergency plan that he or she can share with the group. This plan should include, at minimum, the points listed below:
  • What local, state, and federal organizations would you choose to be a part of this agreement, and why did you specifically choose these organizations?
  • Will their current responsibilities and goals be impacted by this agreement, and if so, how?
  • What will be the responsibilities of those individual organizations in the event of a terrorist attack or major catastrophic event?
  • Should one organization be the lead in the event, and how would that responsibility be decided?

The Arts Past and Present

Reputation is a word that is common in every day discourse and often used without much attention to its complex meaning. As such, very little effort is invested in verifying the origin or accuracy of a particular reputation. You are required to choose a famous figure (s/he could be a literary figure, a politician, an artist etc... s/he could be a contemporary or a historical figure) and:</o:p>
1) Research how this figure has his/her reputation established and in the process “consider” the reasons for his/her reputation</o:p>
2) Comment on the problems associated with verifying the soundness of this reputation</o:p>
3) Identify the factors that seem to have favoured one account over another in the process of reputation construction</o:p>
4) Reflect on how cultures and times influence our reading/interpretation of events integral to reputation construction</o:p>
5) Demonstrate why source materials (historical and contemporary) have to be used cautiously when constructing a reputation</o:p>
6) Distinguish between myth and truth and then assess the impact they have on reputation construction</o:p>
7) Investigate how the issue of “competing reputations” applies to your figure of choice</o:p>
Guidance on Addressing the Topic:</o:p>

Research Paper and Outline

1- I need you to write an outline for the research paper. I am attaching an example for how can you do it ( the format of how to do the outline). The Due date is Saturday 11/16 at 5:00 pm
2- I need you to write a research paper ( you can find the whole instructions in the attachments, so please find the attached for more details). The Due date is on Friday 11/22 
3- For the research paper, it is required number of outside sources: Five. Points will be deducted if your paper contains less than five sources, not including the novel as a source. 

Friday, 21 February 2014

Is it better to be realistic or optimistic?

 A realistic outlook improves chances to negotiate the environment successfully, whereas an optimistic outlook places priority on feeling good. But are realistic and optimistic outlooks necessarily in conflict? The author suggests that the fuzzy nature of accuracy typically places only loose boundaries on what it means to be realistic. As a result, there are many forms of optimism that do not, in principle, yield unrealistic assessments. Nevertheless, there remain numerous "optimistic biases " that do involve self-deception, or convincing oneself of desired beliefs without appropriate reality checks. The author describes several ways that realistic and unrealistic optimism can be differentiated and explores the impact of this distinction for current views of optimism. This critique reveals how positive psychology may benefit from a focus on personal meaning and knowledge as they relate to making the most of life. Up until recently, the typical hallmark of mental health has included a firm grasp on reality. The mentally healthy person could be identified as one who accurately assessed information available in the environment (Jahoda, 1958). Taylor and Brown (1988) shook the establishment view by suggesting that people were actually healthier mentally if their sense of reality was biased in a positive direction. They bolstered their claim with a review of literature suggesting that healthier people tend to overestimate the degree of control they have on the environment, tend to see themselves in an overly positive light, and tend to be unrealistically optimistic about the future. During the 1980s and 1990s, Seligman, Abramson, Peterson, and their colleagues (e.g., Buchanan & Seligman, 1995) have popularized the notions of optimistic and pessimistic explanatory styles. In their search for the source of...

cultural anthropology

"does matrilineal community has a higher divorce rate of patrilineal community?

Medea and Antigone why and how are they different?

Medea and Antigone are strikingly dissimilar in their outlook toward life. Why and how are they so different? what does each one desire and how does each go about satisisfying this desire?

African history

What were the results of the battle of wadi al makkazin?


I need a 6 page paper on the History of Studebaker from the start(inception) of their company to its closing(bankruptcy).
I need it as a research paper w/ references in APA format. This is for a managerial accounting class, so think accounting/finance when writing the paper. I have provided a few links to get you started.

Using your thesis statement and research, present the problem that needs to be addressed with your proposed solution. Note: Your solution, advantages, and challenges, will be in Parts 2 and 3. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. Provide an appropriate title and an interesting opening paragraph to appeal to your stated audience (appeal with logic, ethics, or emotion). 2. Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. (Revised from Assignment 2) 3. Describe the history and status of the issue and provide an overview of the problem(s) that need to be addressed. This should be one or two (1or 2) paragraphs. 4. Explain the first problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1 or 2) paragraphs. 5. Explain the second problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.). and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1 or 2) paragraphs. 6. Explain the third problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1 or 2) paragraphs. 7. Provide a concluding paragraph that summarizes the stated problems and promises a solution. 8. Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion. 9. Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences throughout the paper. 10. Support claims with at least three (3) quality, relevant references. Use credible, academic sources available through Strayer University’s Resource Center. Topic: Should banks be allowed to charge fees for debit card usuage?

Using your thesis statement and research, present the problem that needs to be addressed with your proposed solution. Note: Your solution, advantages, and challenges, will be in Parts 2 and 3.
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
1. Provide an appropriate title and an interesting opening paragraph to appeal to your stated audience (appeal with logic, ethics, or emotion).
2. Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. (Revised from Assignment 2)
3. Describe the history and status of the issue and provide an overview of the problem(s) that need to be addressed. This should be one or two (1or 2) paragraphs.
4. Explain the first problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1 or 2) paragraphs.
5. Explain the second problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.). and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1 or 2) paragraphs.
6. Explain the third problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1 or 2) paragraphs.
7. Provide a concluding paragraph that summarizes the stated problems and promises a solution.
8. Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
9. Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences throughout the paper.
10. Support claims with at least three (3) quality, relevant references. Use credible, academic sources available through Strayer University’s Resource Center.
Topic: Should banks be allowed to charge fees for debit card usuage?

differential cryptographic analysis

) Write 3 pages paper on linear and differential cryptographic analysis. What is it? How does it work? How is it used? The paper should explain the basics of each method and then compare the differences in the methods. Include some historical details (inventor, time period of use, success/failures). Also discuss the impact of Cryptography of these two methods of attack. Q2) Write 3 pages paper on Cryptographic Hash Functions. The paper will cover methods to create CHFs, security of CHFs, differences between keyed and non-keyed CHFs, iterated hash functions, and SHA and Message.

Ethics and Moral Reasoning

Three important sub-disciplines of philosophy are addressed in this course: ethics, epistemology, and religion. For this paper, you will develop an argument that includes your own view on one specific topic relating to one of these sub-disciplines. Below is a list of topics from which you must choose. Feel free to combine topics that seem to fit with one another. It is recommended that you choose a topic that interests you or that you have thought about previously.

In philosophical papers, it is always best to present both sides of the issue (remember that there are usually more than two sides to any issue), and then to present the side that you find the most convincing. Remember to back up your position with logical reasoning and factual evidence. In addition, be sure to utilize the philosophical content and ideas that you have encountered in this course.
  1. Identify the issue that you are going to examine.
  2. Within that issue, clearly define the specific problem that will be the focus of the paper.
  3. Present multiple sides of theproblem and state your position on the issue.
  4. Create an argument that supports the side of theproblem you take in the paper. As part of your argument, be sure to critique the weaknesses of opposing positions.
  5. Utilize the philosophical theories and ideas that you have encountered in this course as much as possible. It is best to utilize primary philosophical texts as resources. Include at least five academic sources in this paper, at least three of which must come from the Ashford University Library. Any other resources should come from academic sources such as Project Gutenberg,, or other websites that include peer-reviewed articles and books.
Select a topic from the following sub-disciplines:
  1. Ethics
    1. What is the best ethical system?
    2. Is it necessary to have universal ethical principles?
    3. What are the fundamental principles of ethics?
    4. What is the good life and how does one achieve it?
    5. Is ethics natural or learned behavior?
    6. What is an ethically bad life? How do we know?
    7. How do humans differentiate between good and bad in the realm of ethics?
    8. Do ethical actions have value apart from the outcomes of those actions?
    9. Are humans free or determined, and how does this perspective relate to human responsibility?
  2. Epistemology
    1. What can humans know for certain and how can they justify that they actually know what they think they know?
    2. What are the limits of human perception and cognition?
    3. What is the relationship between scientific knowledge and other types of knowledge?
    4. What are the limits of skepticism?
    5. What are the differences between the mind and the brain?
    6. What is the best epistemological argument and explanation of how humans perceive their worlds?
    7. How did human consciousness emerge and where is it headed?
  3. Religion
    1. Is proof for the existence of God necessary?
    2. Which argument for the existence of God is strongest? Why?
    3. Can one be moral and not believe in God?
    4. Are science and religion in conflict?
    5. Can God’s omniscience and human free will be reconciled?
    6. Is there a rational argument for atheism?
The paper must be at least six pages in length, formatted according to APA style, and include a title and a reference page (which does not count towards the page length). Support your point with examples from the text and at least five sources, three of whichmust be found in the Ashford University Library. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

Writing the Final Argumentative Paper
The Final Paper:
  1. Must be at least six pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least five scholarly sources, including a minimum of three from the Ashford University Library.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Argumentative essay!

well i want to get a argumentative essaymy topic is "government should provide free healthcare"i am living in the usa, so we just had a healthcare rollout that failed. i wanted to talk about how its the responsibility of the govt to provide this service.i want to use past and current examples as support for it, use reputable sources to support my statement
official essay description:Write a researched argument.
The topic, issue, thesis, and structure are up to you, though I suggest you take what you've learned in class this semester to heart in choosing these things appropriately. The argument should be at least 1500 words long and should adhere to MLA-style documentation. At the very least, you should use 6 sources to help make your argument convincing, but this is just a guideline. The principle is that you should use as many sources as it takes to prove your point. They should be credible, meaning your reader will accept them as valid, wherever they come from.

Evaluation essay on why Smart phones are better than regular cell phones


Term Paper and Discussion paper

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
Describe the history and core business of each company.
Compare and contrast the approach to management that each company has pursued in order to embrace innovation.
Determine what other management differences have impacted the relative success of Kodak and Fujifilm. Provide specific examples to support your response.
Evaluate each company’s approach to ethics and social responsibility and the impact those approaches have had on each company’s profitability.
Discuss the extent to which management of both companies adapted to changing market conditions.
Recommend three (3) ways any company should build in flexibility to back up its decision-making process in order to adapt to changing market conditions.
Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Describe the primary functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, controlling) and the associated skills, tools, and theoretical approaches that can be used to accomplish these functions.
Explain the principal theories and the various approaches to management that have evolved over time and their application to current management situations.
Explain the decision-making process management uses to develop viable courses of action to a variety of management situations.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts.
Write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics.

Religion and Science

An investigation into the infuence one of Descrates theories had on the relationship between science and religion.

International Human Rights

Write a 1 page report on what you perceive to be human rights violations in Syria, why the rest of the world might want to concern itself with them, and what kinds of things might be done to alleviate the situation. Also consider the question of how the system of state sovereignty affects the issue.
Supporting link:

International Human rights

Webliography Activity: Human Rights Issue
For this week's online work, we will construct a webliography of current human rights issues around the world. I want each student to find TWO human rights issues and provide at least one link to a website that provides information on each issue. In addition, write a paragraph introducing the issues and your link(s). This should be one continuous thread so we can all see each other's contributions--don't duplicate your classmates' work.


Browsers2) Browser comparisons Although Internet Explore may be the most
> widely used Web browser, it is not only Web browser in use. Evaluate and
> compare reviews of other Web browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, or
> Firefox wit Internet Explorer. Discuss the major differences between the
> browsers you researched and Internet Explorer. Examples of differences
> might include the number and types of features, how they display Web
> pages, and the speed at which they perform. Include in your discussion
> which browser you would recommend and the reasons for your recommendation

Application Software Comparisons

 Application Software Comparisons 3) Application Software comparisons Web
> application are becoming increasingly popular, and some people prefer the
> convenience of using a Web application instead of application software
> installed on their computer. For example, some people prefer to use Google
> Docs ( a Web application) to Microsoft Word. Your boss notices this trend
> and asks you whether it will benefit the company to use Web application
> installed of application software. Compare application software installed
> on your computer with a comparable Web application. Are any security risks
> associated with using eh application software? How do the features compare
> between a Web application and the application software? Would you
> recommend using a Web application to application software? Why?


Telecommuting 4) Is telecommuting good or bad businesses? Why or why not?
> Are some businesses or job positions better suited for telecommuting? If
> so which ones? Do some people simply lack the self discipline to be
> productive while telecommuting? Is so how should managers make this
> determination?

Media Downloads

Media Downloads 5) Should the government tax media downloads, such as
> music, video, e-books, newspaper articles, and magazine articles? Why or
> why not? Should digital content delivery be considered a service rather
> than a good taxing bodies? Why?

Accessibility Guidelines

Accessibility Guidelines 6) Should the government require that all Web
> sites meet the W3C accessibility guidelines? Why or why not/ Do Web sites
> hosted by disability organizations have a moral obligation to meet the
> guidelines? Why? What can be done to encourage people and organizations to
> make their Web sites more accessible?

Mistakes in Software

 Mistakes in Software 7) Who should be responsible for mistakes in
> software? Why? If users find bug such as security bugs, should they
> disciplined after reporting the bugs? Why? Should those who design a
> system be legally responsible if their products results in errors or
> damage? Why?

Internet Databases

 Internet Databases 8) Do Internet databases mean the end of privacy? Why
> or why not? Should the government gathered in Internet databases? Why? How
> can people change their behaviors so that less personal data is available
> in Internet databases?

Wireless Internet

 Wireless Internet Use 9) Would you use our neighbor's unsecured wireless
> home network? Why would you do if you find out that someone was using your
> wireless home network? How should the law handle such abuse and how should
> violators be punished? Should those leaving their networks unsecured be
> punished as well? Why?

Should the government create > new law specifically aimed at punishing..Cybercriminals 10

Should the government create > new law specifically aimed at punishing cybercriminals? Why or why not? > Should cybercriminals be punished in proportion to the alleged damages > that they cause? Why or why not? Who should decide the extent of true > damages caused by a cybercriminal?

Was it a surprise that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor?


two different essays

Remember, you must write 2 different essays for this assignment. Here is the list of works that you can use for your midterm essays:
Oedipus the King


This essay is claims to ponder. The topics are Plants individuality, Identical twins started out as one human being, or no tow things are perfectly identical. It's going to be a page summary and page commentary in philosophical perspective.

Research Report

Organization physical theft Erin Siewert Introduction Professional shoplifters have been practicing their trade throughout recorded history. More recently, as the numbers of professional shoplifters has continued to increase and as their actions have culminated in retailers sustaining greater losses, retailers have focused additional attention on theft by organized groups. Many organizations are facing issues in respect to physical theft in the organization. Problem or Purpose Statement: This statement should explain your report topic and specify the aspects of the problem you will cover. Remember, your research paper is a problem/solution report, and your purpose statement should reflect the problem you are addressing in your paper. (See page 303.) Theft continued to increase at an astounding rate, yet merchants were more concerned about problems associated with false arrest and were vehemently opposed to creating a hostile and intimidating atmosphere for their customers. Retailers were willing to lose merchandise to theft rather than lose good customers that might be stealing from them. (Segrave, 2001). Organized Retail Theft (ORT) is a problem in the retail loss prevention industry. In spite of spending increases to develop and deploy effective merchandise protection strategies consumer theft continues to increase (Miller, 2005). The problem of ORT has negatively impacted consumers who must pay higher retail prices to cover the increased spending on loss prevention as well as the financial losses attributed to ORT. One possible cause of this problem is that retail loss prevention leaders continue to employ situational strategies that have not been evaluated for their effectiveness (Glasscock et al. 1998) Thus the main problem that needs to be addressed in this research paper is the organizational physical theft. Full Outline: Submit an outline for the body of your paper. The outline should include the aspects of the problem listed in your purpose...


Please answer one question from Part A and one question from Part B.

Part A

1.      You are a member ofa Chinese royal family in the third century BCE. Your king recently passed away.

The late king had two sons who could succeed him: a Confucian and Legalist. You believe that the Confucian should be the next king of your state, but some other family members and officials support the Legalist for the position.

Based on your belief and judgment, please write a statement to recommend the Confucian.

In your statement, please include the following points.You do not have to follow these points in the order given. You might also want to include other relevant points as well.

1)      Refer to the Analects (Document 4.1, p. 82). According to theAnalects, who would be a good ruler, and how would a good ruler govern his state?
2)      Discuss the Confucian views on human natureand the role of the government.
3)      Refute the Legalist views on human nature and the role of the government.
4)      Make your points convincing. What is your ideal statelike? In what ways doesConfucianism yield a better state than Legalism?

2.   You are a Confucian scholar visiting Athens and Sparta. Write a report on these two city-statesfrom a Confucian viewpoint.

In your report, consider the following points. You do not have to follow these points in the order given. You might also want to include other relevant points as well.

1)      How did Athens and Sparta differ from each other? How were they similar?
2)      Which city would you prefer and why?

3.   You are a Legalist scholar visiting Athens and Sparta. Write a report on these two city-statesfrom a Legalist viewpoint.

In your report, consider the following points. You do not have to follow these points in the order given. You might also want to include other relevant points as well.

1)      How did Athens and Sparta differ from each other? How were they similar?
2)      Which city would you prefer and why?

4.      If you could be sent back in time to any ancient civilization as a wealthy, unmarried woman, which one would you choose -- Mesopotamia, Egypt, or China? Explain why. What if you were a poor, married man? How would gender, social class, and marital status affect your choice?

5.      Consider the transformation of the Roman Republic into an imperial state. What problems did Rome face during the last century of the republic? How did the Roman Republic decline and fall? Please refer to 1) socio-cultural changes in Rome and 2) the rise of military men, including Caesar and Octavian.

6.      Consider the transformation of the Roman Empire. What problems did the Roman Empire face in the fourth century? How did the Roman Empire decline and was divided into two? Please refer to 1) socio-cultural changes in Roman Empire 2) the relations with “barbarians.”

7.      Discuss basic characteristics of the Germanic rulers. How and why did they gain power and authority? How they conquer the Roman territories and assimilate Roman culture and tradition? How did they transform from chieftains, kings, and emperors?
In your answer, please refer to 1) issue of legitimacy, 2) Charles the Great, and 3) Christianity.

Part B
1.      Please read Blood and Guts, Chapter 1.
We have studied the history of early human societies and cultures. Our ancestors learned how to farm and herd. They then settled down, and created communities. As agriculture developed and people were able to produce an adequate amount of food, some of them engaged in commerce and handicrafts. They built villages, cities, and states.

We tend to think that human history is “progressing,” and overall, our lives are becoming better and healthier than they were in the past.
However, Roy Porter, the author of Blood and Guts does not believe that “cultural developments” always promote the physical well-being of people as a whole.

Imagine you are a history professor, and you and your colleagues are writinga history textbook based on Porter’s perspectives. You are asked to write a chapter on early human societies and ancient civilizations.
Based on your own understanding of Porter’s work, write an introduction for your chapter.

In your introduction, you need to clearly state:
1)      what your chapter is about,
2)      what questions and themes your chapter addresses,
3)      what perspectives your chapter takes, and

4)      why your chapter is important and worth reading.